Monday, April 19, 2010

The differences between men and women.

Eme has really begun to enjoy Eloise -- you may remember the books from your childhood, or you may even have seen the (very cute) movies produced back in 2003 with Julie Andrews as the nanny. We got the movies from the library, and Eme likes to ask me to tell the story, or will sometimes do something Eloise does (like stand on her toes).

The other day I found myself searching Amazon to see if I could get the movies (they're not really widely available right now since they're from 2003 and you can only check them out of the library so many times before you start to seem strange). I found and ordered them, and ordered an Eloise book that I thought Eme and I could read together as well.

A little bit later, Andreas was talking about a present he wanted to get for Eme. Could it be that he had also noticed how much she liked Elosie and wouldn't it be funny if we were searching for the same thing?

Nope. Not so much.

He wanted to get her a couple of sticks like the one Mulan has (points for trying to get her something from a character she likes) so she can fight me like Mulan does.

That may not be the only difference between men and women, but it's certainly an eye-opening one. :)



  1. In re reading this, I realized that the stick link is to the cold steel website.

    This may not be a male/ female difference and instead may be tied to the Ajo love affair with cold steel.

    If he can't have the mace, at least his daughter can have sticks?

  2. I think the Ajo love affair with Cold Steel is tied to the male/female difference, too.

    You're right, though. He definitely can't have the mace.
