Thursday, January 28, 2010

Parenting "Thought of the Day" #1

Welcome to a new feature that I hope to use at least as regularly as I use WBWs. I plan to list things that I find myself thinking as a parent that I can't imagine ever having thought about in the time before Emelie.
Today's thought (after having discovered that her hair was sticky from having put food in it, but we were already out at music class):

If I washed her hair every time she put something in it I'd probably at least double the global water crisis. Plus, maybe no one will notice. You can't tell it's sticky unless you feel it. Thank goodness peach juice is clear!

Please feel free to add your own thoughts for the day in comments, even if you aren't a parent. :)


1 comment:

  1. Non-parent thought: A. music class sounds fancy. B. is peach juice really clear?
