Monday, October 19, 2009

Update: Mr. Mewhansson

As an update to my post on coloring Hello Kitty, this is Mr. Mewhansson.

After I colored Hello Kitty's teacher's shirt pink and his tie pink and green, I added the goatee. I was already chuckling in my head at the resemblance to what Andreas wears to teach (that's why I colored the shirt pink in the first place), and then I practically burst with laughter when I came up with the name. I was laughing so hard that I failed to fit the whole name on the page.

I have to keep myself amused somehow.



  1. I can't say that she did. When she's old enough to understand my humor, I imagine she's probably not going to think I'm very funny....

  2. Oh, she will think you are high-larious! You girls used to think I was pretty hilarious dancing around the kitchen doing show-tunes with breakfast cereal, no?

    She will look at you with that sweet slightly patronizing but adorable smile all daughters have as she says: "Cute, Mom."

  3. Jae, I nearly peed myself laughing at your humor... and mom, sometimes "high-larious" is just a cool way to say, "mom is a dork" -- but don't forget we will always love you, no matter how silly you seem to be in front of our friends. I imagine Juliette will have to tell all her aussie friends, "please excuse my mum, she's american..."
