Sunday, August 16, 2009

Done and Done!

To follow up from the last post: The wedding gift is complete.

  • 48 total hours of work (the final 12 hours of which was a mad dash that kept us up until 2:30 in the morning the day before the wedding; thanks for your help when I needed you at the "11th hour," Amy!)
  • 2 total months of days in which the work was completed (mostly during Eme's nap times)
  • 168 total pieces of glass to make up the final product (though if you count the ones I mis-cut or accidentally broke while working on it, it was probably more like 180 pieces that I cut, total)
  • 2 total photos for you to enjoy: the top photo is me holding it so you can get a sense of the size of the thing. The bottom one is just a straight shot of it when we laid it down on the table.
The second "done" in the title of the post is because I also got my laundry folded. :)

For next week's Wonder Baby Wednesday, I'll post a pic of Eme as Wonder Flower Girl.



  1. What a lovely present! It's beautiful! And you must be very talent!
    Lisbeth, Andreas and Maria's aunt

  2. Lisbeth, thanks for the compliment! Also, thank you again for hosting us the last time we were in Sweden. I hope we'll be able to visit again soon!

  3. That would be nice, I mean you visiting us again - soon. You are VERY welcome whenever you come!
