Sunday, June 14, 2009

Super Powers

As you know, Eme has super powers.

I wouldn't want to reveal all of them (so there will still be surprises if an evildoer should happen to read this and then go up against her), but here is a short list of some of my favorites:

1) Multiple Forms: She has the ability to make herself look like many different, usually hilarious, things. (See Wonder Baby Wednesday posts for some examples.) She can cause laughter, confusion, or an evil-doer to stop in his tracks with one raise of the eyebrow.

2) Heart Melting: Really, I've seen it happen. We'll be walking around, minding our business in the grocery store/restaurant/neighborhood/etc when someone walks past looking grim. One look at Eme and they break into smiles. You can practically see their hearts melting. And don't get me started on the first time she said "DaDa" to Andreas and really meant it; it was like that scene from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (the cartoon version) when his heart grows a bunch of sizes and bursts through the frame. If she were to come upon an evil castle, I think she could turn the inhabitants to good with this power alone.

3) Laser Vision: She can spot a bus or a dog from all the way down the block. Sometimes she can tell us the school bus is coming even when it's around the corner. Either her vision (and hearing) are fantastic, or she is summoning the bus. We'll have to see how this one develops before I can be sure of all of the applications.

4) Animal Sounds: She makes excellent animal sounds, currently including a meow, bark, neigh, pant ("tired dog"), elephant trumpet, and sometimes an owl sound. I imagine more sounds will be forthcoming soon. This could be useful when she needs to imitate an animal to cause a diversion or alert someone to the presence of a bad guy.

5) Blinding Cuteness: Self-explanatory. I mean, how many times do you find yourself rubbing your eyes after looking directly at her face? The use of this one should also be obvious, and when combined with the ability to melt hearts, almost unstoppable.

6) Cat Herding: She can get cats to run in the opposite direction when she comes close, so if she gets onto the correct side before she starts to run at them, she can get them to go the way she wants. She usually ends up herding them down the basement. If she can perfect this (maybe in combination with the sonic scream), I feel like cat herding could be of great use when fighting evil, assuming the cats choose to show up to the fight (that is, as long as it's not during their sleep time).

7) Extreme Empathy: She feels sad when someone else is sad. This happens to the extent that she sometimes begins to cry herself, or at least looks concerned and tries to determine the cause. When cousin Viktor was visiting, he bumped his head the first day here. After that, every time he started to cry she'd point to her head, wondering whether he'd bumped it again. Could this one be used to bend evil warlords to her will when they realize that she really DOES care that their parents didn't understand them?

8) Sonic Scream: This amazing sound emanates from deep within, and she uses it to attempt to stun animals, other children, toys, dada, machinery, or anything that is moving that she would like to get a closer look at, or is in any way excited about. For now, the scream sometimes causes people/animals to scatter rather than to freeze in place, but she's working on it. A lot.

How have you been applying your super powers lately?


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