Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sometimes you don't have to hide it when you cry.

I read a poem the other day that made me cry.

I don't know if the reason I cried was because I'm hormonal (pregnancy will do that to you), or just because it was such a beautiful and moving poem.

Either way, I tried to stem the tears as quickly as possible because I didn't want Eme to get upset. Little did I know just how strong my baby is...

She saw me when I still had a few tiny tears leaking from the corners of my eyes and said, "Why crying, mama?"

I said, "Mommy's just a little bit sad today, sweet pea."

She grabbed my hand and said "It be okay, mama."

I almost cried again, but instead I laughed. She's fantastic.

[If you want to find more by Taylor Mali, the same teacher/poet who wrote the one linked above, check out I don't know the guy, but I do love his poetry. My favorite is one that you may have already heard, but if not it's worth checking out: "What Teachers Make"]



  1. Um, can I cry at both the poem and at the fact that Eme is sometimes the strong one?

    So excited to see you both in a day!

  2. Excellent poem, excellent toddler.

  3. Wait, wait, wait. Did I miss something?

    To wit...
    I'm hormonal (pregnancy will do that to you)

  4. I guess I may have forgotten to mention to some friends (though the family all knows... I think) that we are expecting again. We're due at the end of February.

    If I did forget to tell anyone and you want details, just email and I'll be happy to share! :)
