Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My daughter, Miss Pronunciation

Eme has begun pronouncing things much more carefully, which has actually created some hilarious instances of me asking her to repeat herself three or four times in order to figure out what she means. Examples:

Involving double r sounds:
Cherry -- was "chaaaaaa," now comes out "che-yay"
Sorry -- was "sah-ee," now "saw-yeee"

Involving double l sounds:
Pillow -- don't know whether I ever heard her say the word before, but now say "pi-r-yo"
Cinderella -- was "Ci-beh," now "Ci-we-lllllll-ya"

Words that have actually become easier to understand:
Banana -- was "bi-ya," now "banna"
Grandma -- was "wa," now "wa-ma"

These are just a few examples. I am amazed at how quickly her facility for language is growing, and her pronunciation and grammar are changing.

Can I just say it again? My angel is awesome, and I'm privileged to watch her grow.



  1. I am gonna miss her calling me ma-dana. sigh

  2. I still think Liam's grandma name was best at mama jama.
