Friday, April 10, 2009

What is the "perfect" number of children?

I know, mom (and anyone who thinks like my mom). The "perfect" number of children for any given family is the number that is right for that family.

I've always thought I'd want to have two, but I've been thinking a lot about it lately and I'm starting to reconsider. I'd love to get some opinions.

Have you thought about how many kids you'd like to have? If you've already had as many as you intend to, what made you stop where you did? Or what decided you that you wanted more? Is it the number you thought you'd end up with?

If your answer is that you don't have or don't want any, that's cool too, and I'd also love to hear why.

If you've never thought about it before, here's your opportunity.

What's the right number of children for you?



  1. Amazing question, and I know you can't know the answer before you even have one. Unless the answer is none. But how do you know you don't want any if you don't know what having one is like. It's a curiette mariah. (Ross: Kobayashi Maru; Chandler: What's a Curiette Mariah? Ross: That hotel where we stayed in India).

    For me. I've always said 0-1. For Ry... 3. Why? He always wanted another sibling growing up. I had enough siblings and wouldn't trade them for the world but don't know if I could ever have handled us all together growing up. Sometimes I think my parents are heros*.

    *not the sandwich variety, the other kind.

  2. *lol* Go Jae! is this the money question or what?

    I have been on both ends of the spectrum now! I can tell you that at the time when I had told everyone I didn't want children, it had everything to do with the relationship I was in. Children weren't right for us, I don't think they ever would have been.

    Now that I have moved on and my husband is the most caring, most loving, most attentive person I have ever known, (sorry mom and dad, but it's true... no matter how much you loved us kids I think Daniel has you beat... but then I am biased), I am thinking about how many we can possibly have before I get to age 40.

    If you ask Daniel, he'd be happy with 2 or 3. Personally I always liked the number 4 - probably thanks to mom and dad and our busy household. Right now, however, I am content with being pregnant and can't wait to love, care for and play with our Juliette when she is born (due 16 July).

  3. How many is perfect? Silly question. Four, of course. One boy and three girls.

    How many grandchildren? All of them.

  4. Mom, I knew I could count on you to have the exact right answer. :)
